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Application to post statuses with music on WhatsApp


Get ready for a revolution in the way we share our experiences on cell phones, especially WhatsApp, with the arrival of Audio Status Maker and the possibility of having statuses with music on your WhatsApp.

Developed by Naseem Dauda Kajuna, this Android app offers the exciting ability to add music to your statusesmaking your posts more authentic and engaging for your contacts.


Namely, your updates can now be accompanied by music that expresses your mood in an original way and in real time.

Below, we've listed all the information and step-by-step instructions on how to use the application:

About the application

Audio Status Maker, at just 17 MB, boasts an intuitive design that resembles WhatsApp's status creator.

This makes it easy to adapt to the tools available, guaranteeing a user-friendly experience. What's more, creations made with this application can easily be shared on various other social networks, extending the reach of your messages even further.

So get on board with this new sound innovation, just download the app.

Adding a Soundtrack to your WhatsApp Status with Audio Status Maker

Já se pegou desejando adicionar música ao seu status no WhatsApp? Com o Audio Status Maker, esse desejo tornou-se realidade.

Confira como essa ferramenta funciona em cinco simples etapas:

First, choose the background you want and insert your thought or a phrase that captures the emotional moment;

Attach the desired song to your status. The audio or music in MP3 format must be previously available on your device, as the application does not incorporate built-in music clips. Of course, you can also record audio in real time to add dialog or capture the musical atmosphere of your surroundings.

So after selecting the song, cut out and edit the desired part;

Customize your status with photos from the gallery, different fonts and stickers that complement the moment you want to express;

Then click save, and that's it! Your content is successfully finalized, resulting in a short clip with the duration of the audio added, while the image remains static.

Keep the status as video to preserve your sound artwork.

Premium Version and User Reviews

 A saber, na versão Premium você tem a vantagem de editar o adesivo de áudio que será sobreposto à sua imagem. A versão gratuita inclui uma marca d’água no canto inferior direito, podendo ser removida ao assistir a um anúncio. Como resultado, na versão paga a marca d’água é eliminada.

Surpreendentemente, com uma notável classificação de 4,6 estrelas e mais de 33 mil avaliações na Play Store, o Audio Status Maker conquistou a satisfação dos usuários, ultrapassando a marca de 1 milhão de downloads.Esses números atestam sua popularidade e o posicionam como a escolha preferida para quem busca dar vida e trilha sonora aos seus status no WhatsApp.

Don't let this opportunity slip away. Download Audio Status Maker now and discover a whole new universe of possibilities for personalizing your WhatsApp statuses.

Choosing the best songs for your WhatsApp

Add music to your WhatsApp status pode transformar simples atualizações em experiências memoráveis. Ao escolher a trilha sonora perfeita, você pode expressar emoções, compartilhar gostos musicais e tornar seus momentos ainda mais especiais. Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudar na seleção das melhores músicas:

Reflects your state of mind: Choose music that is in line with your mood. Whether it's happy, reflective, energetic or tranquil, the choice of music should complement the atmosphere you want to convey.

Connecting with the situationConsider the context of the situation. If you're sharing a special moment, choose a song that has meaning for that occasion. This creates a deeper, more personal connection.

Variety of styles: Experiment with different styles of music. This keeps your statuses interesting and attractive to a diverse audience. From timeless classics to the latest novelties, variety is the key.

Meaningful Letters: Pay attention to the lyrics. Choose songs with lyrics that resonate with you or convey the message you want. Meaningful lyrics can add a personal touch to your update.

A universal soundtrack can create a stronger connection with your friends and family.

Timelessness: Timeless songs have an enduring appeal. Mix classics that transcend decades with contemporary hits to create a soundtrack that resonates with different generations.

Finally, remember that the choice of music is personal and diversity is welcome. Be creative and have fun sharing your moments with the perfect soundtrack on WhatsApp.

Step by step to download the application

To post statuses with music on WhatsApp, you can use third-party apps, as WhatsApp doesn't have this functionality natively. Here are some application options and a general step-by-step guide:

Audio Status MakerAllows you to add songs from your gallery or cell phone memory, with a variety of backgrounds and drawing features. Available for Android and iOS. Clips (iOS only): Ideal for creating and editing video clips from images, allowing you to add the music of your choice.

Story Beat: Designed to add music to videos and photos, offering a wide variety of musical genres. Available for Android and iOS.

VideoShowExcellent for creating videos with images, slides and music, offering features such as emojis and animated filters. Available for Android and iOS.

InShotThis app has a free music library and allows you to create videos from a photo to add music. Once created, you can download the clip and post it to your WhatsApp status.

General steps for using these applications:

  • Download and open the application of your choice.
  • Select the option to create a new video or project.
  • Add the images or videos you want to use.
  • Choose the song of your choice within the app.
  • Edit the video as necessary (crop, add filters, etc.).
  • Save the finished video to your device.
  • Open WhatsApp, go to the status section and select the camera icon.
  • Choose the video you created and post it on your status.


In conclusion, to add music to your WhatsApp status, you can use various third-party applications, since WhatsApp doesn't offer this functionality natively.

Suggested apps include Audio Status Maker, Clips (iOS exclusive), Story Beat and VideoShow, each offering different features and functionalities for personalizing your statuses with music.

The general process involves downloading your chosen app, creating a new video or project, adding images or videos, choosing music, editing as necessary and finally saving and posting to your WhatsApp status.

These apps are easy to use and offer a creative way to share your favorite music along with your photos or videos on WhatsApp, enriching the sharing experience with your contacts.