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My Home, My Life 2024: How to apply


The Minha Casa, Minha Vida 2024 project is the solution for all those who dream of owning their own home and getting rid of abusive rents! And today we will teach you the step-by-step process to sign up for this affordable housing program that is changing the lives of thousands of Brazilians who have no money!

But is this benefit really only for the low-income population? Contrary to what most people think, this benefit created to guarantee the acquisition of cheap property is also guaranteed for the middle-class population! 


Therefore, it is important that you know the requirements to apply for this benefit! Know that you will be able to buy your home at a reduced price through government aid, regardless of whether you are poor or lower middle class! As long as you do not exceed the salary limit that we will explain below!

Green and Yellow House and My House My Life 2024

The social housing program was created by the government with the aim of ensuring that the population could acquire cheaper properties. However, this was only possible because the government paid a good part of the amount for the beneficiary, reducing a large part of the cost of the final price.

Therefore, both the Casa Verde e Amarela project and Minha Casa, Minha Vida 2024 are the same project, and the difference in name is merely a formality. The Casa Verde e Amarela benefit was replaced by the current ''Minha Casa Minha Vida'', which today has the same name it had when it was first instituted.

However, what really matters is that regardless of the name change, you will be entitled to the same benefit, paying much less than the price charged in the private sector! Come see how to buy your house cheaper!

How does the Housing Program work?

The program has different categories of benefits, which are divided into income brackets. Therefore, the level of government assistance will be higher according to the criteria and benefits met. The financing conditions and subsidies are adjusted proportionally according to your financial situation, which ensures greater equality.

But how does this Minha Casa Minha Vida 2024 aid work? Subsidies are a way for the government to help needy families buy their own home without having to pay the full price of the property. Therefore, this subsidy is literally state aid reducing the price of the house so that you have the opportunity to pay a lower and fairer price. Considering that real estate inflation has greatly harmed workers in recent years.

My Home My Life Financing

The financing value of Social Housing will be quite affordable, and the monthly installments will be very low compared to normal prices. In addition, there is a reduction in the interest rate, which allows you to make payments gradually without compromising your finances.

However, what guarantees all these benefits is the partnership between the government and large construction and development companies. Thanks to this partnership, it has become possible to deliver quality construction projects at reduced prices to the population!

Program Requirements

To guarantee your participation in the Minha Casa Minha Vida 2024 Program, you must meet the eligibility criteria. Come and check out what they are and guarantee your dream home without having to pay rent!

Income bands

To receive the benefit, you must meet the income bracket criteria. Therefore, you will not be able to receive the benefit if your family's gross income exceeds the beneficiary group limit. It is worth noting that there are 3 categories of beneficiaries, and among them, bracket 1 is the one that receives the best benefits!

Family salary limits to receive the benefit (Urban):

Track 1: gross family income that does not exceed R$2,640 per month;

Track 2: gross family income from R$ 2,640.01 to R$ 4,400 per month;

Track 3: gross family income from R$ 4,400.01 to R$ 8,000 per month.

Family salary limits to receive the benefit (Rural):

Track 1 Rural: annual gross income not exceeding R$31,680;

Track 2 Rural: annual gross income of R$ 31,680.01 to R$ 52,800;

Track 3 Rural: gross annual income of R$ 52,800.01 to R$ 96,000.

Other Requirements of the My Home My Life Program

  • Not have any housing finance in your name;
  • Lack of own property;
  • Never having received housing benefits before;
  • Do not use the property for commercial purposes.

There will be preference on the waiting list for those who meet the following requirements:

  • Belong to families with elderly people, teenagers, children or people with disabilities;
  • Families that are in a situation of risk or vulnerability;
  • Belong to families headed by women;
  • Living in emergency or disaster areas;
  • Living on the streets.
  • Families who were forced to move from their homes involuntarily 

How do I sign up for My Home My Life 2024?

To register for the Housing Program is quite simple, just meet all the following criteria and bring the documents listed in the topic below! If you meet the requirements, you will have access to a cheap house!

Required documents

To proceed with the registration process for the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program, it is necessary to gather all the documents below. Check out what they are right now:

  • Proof of income;
  • ID and CPF;
  • Proof of current residence;
  • Proof of marital status;
  • Property documents (registration and information)

Housing Benefit Registration

If you meet the requirements for bands 2 and 3, you will need to choose a property and run a simulation, in addition to gathering the necessary documents. After completing the registration, you can complete the procedure directly at Caixa or at an organizing entity. 

But if it meets the criteria of urban strip 1, your registration must be completed at the city hall itself. Therefore, you will have to provide information related to your income, family composition and other important data.

Check out the CAIXA Housing Simulator

Before completing your application, it is recommended that you use the CAIXA Housing Simulator. Through this free online tool, you will be able to learn more about how financing works and the amounts. Therefore, it will be much easier to understand the housing benefit system.

This simulator allows you to evaluate the Minha Casa Minha Vida 2024 subsidy mechanism, according to your income bracket and the category you fit into in the benefit system. This guarantees a much more realistic and strategic view of your family planning. Therefore, it will be a great opportunity to better understand the benefit!

Housing Program Contract

If your application is approved, you will receive all the necessary instructions to sign your financing contract. They will then explain all the conditions, deadlines, and even the interest rates and responsibilities that will apply to both parties.

By signing, you formalize your participation in the Popular Housing program, which guarantees access to a cheap property! Make your dream of owning your own home come true at a much lower and fairer price!